Speak Up Sister
Performers’ hacks for non-performers!
Do you hold yourself back from, or even sabotage, great opportunities because you get tongue tied?
Do you get frustrated with yourself because even the thought of speaking up is enough to make your stomach churn so instead you just keep quiet?
Do you ever wonder how much more successful in biz if you could just get over your fear of speaking up?
I have been gob-smacked by the number of women I’ve met who are incredibly capable, brilliant, amazing people who have achieved incredible things, yet have confessed to me that they struggle hugely with confidence when it comes to speaking up.

Clearly, this is not an issue with being a capable person in business. It’s a confidence thing.
So here’s the bad news… succeeding in business doesn’t just take passion, determination and savvy. Whether you like it or not, performing at your peak and putting your best foot forward is going to include speaking up:
- speaking with groups of your staff
- meeting people at networking events
- pitching clients
- really showing up in virtual meetings
- creating content for your social media channels
- presenting an idea at a meeting
- introducing speakers at an event
- giving a speech at an event
- And on… and on… and on…
No matter how brilliant you are (and your product, service or idea), if you can’t find the confidence to speak up effectively, your results will always fall short.
But here’s the best news!
Speaking well is not a magical power only bestowed on a fortunate few.

Okay sure, there are some people who come out of the birth canal waxing lyrical, but they are a) exceptions to the rule and b) usually natural born performers!
And this is what this course is all about: helping you access some of the hacks, tools and tricks of professional performers, so that you can “perform” at your best.
Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you need to learn how to be an actor, a comedian or an all-round show pony (unless this unleashes that side of you!) but it does mean that the parts of a performer’s toolkit that can help you shine are right here for the taking!
The ability to stay calm, relaxed, friendly, confident, while speaking to other people – including an audience full of strangers, in my case – is a game changer.
You can do this. And I’m right here to help make it happen!
Hi, I’m Jenny Wynter, and I’ve been a professional stand-up comedian for nearly two decades.

And by that, I mean, it’s how I make my living. I don’t have a day job. This is my day job, and it’s allowed me to work in the US, Canada, United Kingdom, and all across Australia (and even into international waters…)
I’m also a 2 x TEDx speaker, including one which was 100% improvised on-the-spot and filmed in front of a live audience. Yes, you read that correctly!
All the time people ask me “How on earth do you do that? That’s terrifying! That’s my worst nightmare!”
And the thing is… first of all, I just love it, yes. I’m a freak like that.
But what I’ve come to realise in these years of performing is that my real superpower is twofold:
a) A performers’ mindset; and
b) A set of reliable techniques that I use before, during, and after each and every speaking and performance opportunity I have.
These two things consistently let me get out of my own way when I’m in the spotlight, show up as the best possible version of myself in the moment, and learn from my mistakes along the way.
They’ve allowed me to build a successful career out of performing comedy over the past two decades.
And even if you have zero desire to be on a physical stage, I’m telling you, these two superpowers can be an absolute game-changer for you too, in business.
Speak Up Sister!

An empowering, experiential and fun six-week program of video content that shares with you all the tips, tricks and mindset hacks I’ve learned as a professional comedian over the past two decades.
Over six weeks of self-paced progress, you’ll overhaul your mindset towards nerves and insecurities (spoiler: they can be assets when understood and harnessed properly), learn how to relax so you can present your best version of yourself to others, and gain courage and confidence as you claim the performer’s mindset and toolkit for yourself.
This isn’t about becoming a professional public speaker, astride the greatest stages in the world, rubbing shoulders with Brene Brown and Tony Robbins. It’s simply about being a more confident, courageous, authentic you.
Speak Up Sister includes
Self Paced Video lessons
- Released weekly for six weeks
- The mindset hacks of a performer who is a glutton for improv and comedy (spoiler: it’s me);
- Learnings from real life experiences – the good, the bad and the ugly – from the front-line;
- Techniques and practical exercises to practise alone and/or with others to get better at communicating immediately;
- Hard skill hacks – physical, vocal, camera, content and anti-memorisation tricks;
- Doomsday prep techniques – ideas, strategies and skills for dealing with your dreaded worst case scenarios.

Live fortnightly video calls
Every second Wednesday (7:30PM AEST), access to ask-me-anything opportunities practical and fun exercises with live coaching and chance to practice techniques with me and with other students on the Speak Up Sister programme.

Practical worksheets
Mobile-first worksheets accompany each module so you can create your own resource folder along the way – either printed out for your desk, or to keep at hand on your phone!

Video transcripts
Transcripts of all video content for you to refer back to at any time, including highlights of the live sessions.

Pocket cheerleader
A mobile-first printable mini-book which you’ll be able to tailor make with your own favourite tips, reminders and warm-ups to have on hand so you can get into your best and most relaxed mode wherever and whenever you need it.
Week by week from Day 1
1 Foundations
Building the foundations for a mindset shift – helping you to understand the why behind the whole thing. Understanding and naming the problems, hurdles and obstacles that we face helps us to work through, around – and even with them. From identifying and bridging the confidence gap, to digging into your own personal “Why?“.
2 Mindset
Understanding your mindset enabling you to make a shift to embrace principles of radical acceptance. Learn how to use mistakes and missteps as pivot points in making human connections with your audience.
3 Agility and spontaneity
How learning flexibility and mental agility will help you be in the moment, maintain connections, and decrease the need to memorise content, and increase your ability to respond to your audience, and to events around you.
4 Nerves and fear busting
Understanding the cause and effect of nerves and fear, and how they can be reframed by trusting yourself and your knowledge. Learning your own personal pressure points and – healthy – coping strategies before, during and after speaking up in public.
5 Hard skills
Connecting together the core skills of speaking up in public from preparation strategies and relaxation exercises, to vocal techniques and tips on physicality that can be practiced when speaking up in person, on stage or on camera.
6 Doomsday preparation
Building your own personal disaster response kit for the worst case scenarios that could crop up when speaking in public. How to use the right mindset, agility, techniques and skills to navigate when Disaster Strikes while you’re speaking up.

Jump at any opportunity you can to work with Jenny! You’ll be so glad you did!”
Dr Jo Loth, Director of Drama, The National Theatre
And if that isn’t enough, there’s additional
Bonus Content
Humour: Your Secret Superpower
How to use humour authentically to connect with others (even if you don’t want to be a comedian!) This bonus module explores how and why humour is a business superpower, and how to use humour to build genuine connections. Drawing on my two decades as a professional comedian, and more than five years as a Clown Doctor in the Queensland Children’s Hospital, I will show you how cracking people up helps to crack them open.

Apply to join the next intake
I provide a lot of personal support for students, so numbers are limited each intake. Secure your place by signing up today!

5 x A$195
Apply now for the next intake and in just six weeks you’ll be able to confidently harness performer hacks, skills and mindset to be your best self speaking up in business! And you will have me enthusiastically supporting you and cheering you on for the entire 12 months!
Got questions?

I don’t want to be a professional speaker!
That’s not a question, but ok… Speak Up Sister is designed specially for people like you – people who don’t want to be professional public speakers but want – and need – to be professional when they speak in public.

How long will it take to finish the programme?
The Speak Up Sister programme runs as self paced video content released to you over six weeks but you can go as fast or slow as you like. Speak Up Sister is designed to maintain momentum, but give you time to practice.

How much of my time am I committing here?
The video lessons are short and to the point, easily consumed, and easily actioned, but the more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you get. Committing a few hours each week to Speak Up Sister will get you results that you can build on. And if you’re ready, willing and able to commit that much, just push the button…

But I’m not comfortable on camera!
Again, that’s not really a question, but anyway… You don’t need to love the camera like an Instagram model or full time social media influencer to get real, solid value from this programme. Through Speak Up Sister I will teach you the mindset and the techniques – practical and mental – that will help you feel more comfortable speaking up in public in person, on stage, or on camera.

Will I actually get it finished?
Yes! Yes you will! I have faith in you! Follow the Speak Up Sister programme, do the work and practice, practice, practice, and you’ll come out the other side with enhanced confidence and a suite of tips, tricks and techniques that you can use in business.

Can I ask you specific questions?
Sure you can. I’m available to you for a full 12 months, plus there are regular live Speak Up Sister coaching sessions for when questions – or answers – just need to be handled interactively.

What happens at the end? Am I on my own?!
No way! For a full 12 months you’ll still have access – to the Speak Up Sister programme, to the live coaching sessions, and to me. Like Phoebe (or Monica, or Rachel), I’ll be there for you.
I have been involved in amateur theatre on and off for near 50 years… …I jumped at the chance to be involved in the Jenny Wynter workshop… …I must say that being involved with a true professional such as Jenny was amazing… … I couldn’t think of a better way to be introduced to this…
KK, Yeppoon
Without wanting to dramatise, the experience was truly an epiphany for me personally… I really wanted to thank you personally for the energy, enthusiasm and talent you put in…
KW, Brisbane
Just yesterday I stood up at a poetry event with my own piece. I would never have conceived of doing such before this workshop. I have been unleashed!! Thank you, Jenny – you were so encouraging and buoyed us all to be our best selves. Your energy and spirit infused us all!
MW, Brisbane
Speak Up Sister is for you if you ever have to
…speak to groups of your staff…
…meet people at networking events…
…pitch new clients…
…pitch existing clients…
…present ideas at meetings…
…create content for social media…
…give a speech at an event…
…really show up on Zoom meetings…
…introduce speakers at an event…

As a professional self-managed performer, I’ve had to do each and every one of these to advance my career, create opportunities and to grow my business. Being a performer includes a lot of admin, and a lot of selling yourself.
Still reading? Great!

Sign up for the Speak Up Sister programme, and in just six weeks you’ll be harnessing performer hacks, skills and mindset to speak up and be your best self in business!
You’ll understand the performer mindset and how you can apply it in real world situations.
You’ll have practical, actionable techniques that you can use before, during and after you speak up.
Here comes the science
Stand-up comedy teaches you to connect with your audience: Performers have to engage their audience to be successful. They need to make their audience laugh and keep them engaged throughout their performance. This means they have to be able to read their audience and adjust their material accordingly. Learning how to connect with an audience is a crucial part of public speaking, and studying stand-up comedy can help you develop this skill. (Reference: Hambrick, D. C., & Amabile, T. M. (1996). Measuring creativity: The relevance of craft versus art. Academy of Management Journal, 39(2), 396-416.)

Performing teaches you to think on your feet: Stand-up comedians have to be able to think on their feet and come up with witty responses to unexpected situations. This means they have to be quick-witted and adaptable, which are essential skills for public speaking. Learning how to improvise and adapt to unexpected situations can help you become more confident in your ability to handle any situation that might arise during a speech. (Reference: Puccio, G. J., & Cabra, J. F. (2010). Applied creativity: An introduction. Creative Education Foundation Press.)
Stand-up comedy teaches you to use humour effectively: Performers are experts in using humour to connect with their audience and make their material more engaging. Learning how to use humour effectively can help you become a more engaging speaker and build rapport with your audience. Humour can also be an effective tool for dealing with nerves and reducing anxiety during public speaking. (Reference: Martin, R. A. (2007). The psychology of humor: An integrative approach. Elsevier Academic Press.)
Stand-up comedy teaches you to take risks: Stand-up comedians have to be willing to take risks with their material and try new things. They need to be willing to experiment and take chances in order to find what works best for them. Learning how to take risks can help you become more confident in your ability to take on new challenges and try new things in your public speaking. (Reference: Kaufman, J. C., & Beghetto, R. A. (2009). Beyond big and little: The four c model of creativity. Review of General Psychology, 13(1), 1-12.)
Copyright (C) 2025 Jenny Wynter. All Rights Reserved.
Living and working in Brisbane Meaanjin, I acknowledge the Jagera and Turrbal peoples, the First Nation Traditional Custodians of Country, and of the lands and waters on which I live and work, and all the peoples who have welcomed me on Country. I pay my respects to all Elders past and present and acknowledge the young leaders who are working beside Elders in our cultural industries in the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices. I recognise all First Nation peoples as the original storytellers of these lands and acknowledge the important role they continue to play in our community.